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You have such a fantastic way of leading a session, making it interesting and insightful, inclusive and fascinating. I really enjoyed the day and of course your lovely home is a perfect setting for the training. Rediscovering NLP with you has been one of the highlights of my later years with EY and I am going to adopt your lead of considering the Pause, Possibilities and Purpose as I move from my life long home at EY into the next exciting phase of my life. You always teach me something new!

Just wanted to thank you both for the life changing experience! I had a session with a client yesterday and thought “I might as well put this NLP into practice”. So I started using the clean questions (of a fashion). At first I thought where is this going (down a one way street) and the client was looking puzzled as it was very different to my usual style. Anyway I stuck with the process and Eureka what insights! The metaphors came in numbers. The client (and me!) had great insights. He realised that the language he had been using didn’t reflect what he meant and he realised the impact this was having on his own feelings thoughts and behaviours as well as on his interactions with others. He totally reset his underlying beliefs.

Lisa’s NLP course was undoubtedly the best course I have ever been on. Everything she planned and delivered was so engaging and interactive that I had no idea that I was even capable of being interested and attentive for 8 hours. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing complex knowledge in such a people friendly and easy to understand way. I have come away with so much, but three life skills in particular that are going to be so useful.

Lisa is the most fabulous trainer. There was a lot of flexibility in the session yesterday that was effortless from an attendee perspective and ensured everyone took away valuable learnings from the day. What makes it so wonderful is that you give so much of yourself and it comes from the heart.

Lisa’s expertise and delivery style enabled me to gain profound insights and practical strategies that will help transformed how I approach both my personal and professional life. The discussions were engaging and thought-provoking and I have gained valuable self-awareness and learned to leverage my strengths better than before. I’m immensely grateful for the invaluable lessons and newfound confidence it has instilled in me. Chicken soup for the soul!

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