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My new book bQUICK® Coaching available now!

The opportunity to interact with creatures with no “baggage” in their willingness or otherwise to co-operate allowed me to draw so many parallels with my personal and professional relationships. Thank you for a life changing experience.

Lisa is a master with horses and in working with them to help us to develop our confidence and awareness of the effect of our total communication. She has an amazing combination of horsewomanship and NLP learning.

I have had limited exposure to horses at close quarters and although I approached the day with an open mind, I must admit to feeling sceptical and a bit nervous about working with horses. I am now much more aware of the need to feel physically balanced and congruent and this has helped me in projecting a calm and grounded demeanour. I drove away from the day feeling centred, focussed and confident.

I loved the work you did at the conference with the horses, you were outstanding. You facilitated a thought provoking session emphasising the key leadership qualities of consistency, assertiveness and respect. I now realise why staff don’t always naturally and religiously follow.

Working with the horses was magical. There were great links to real life leadership situations .. thank you for a wonderfully fun and powerful day. Insightful, inspiring, rewarding!

It was fascinating …communicating and coaching to someone who doesn’t speak in your language …. I found it extremely rewarding and I drove home with a smile on my face .
There was no hiding place …The horses behaved exactly how you treated them ….you couldn’t fake your relationship. I would recommend it and it took coaching to a new place for me …

The facilitators both equine and human were fantastic. I loved “the out of the box thinking”, which challenged my beliefs. The debrief session with live business scenarios has given me new strategies to handle some of my business issues.

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